Sunday, June 9, 2013

Life Hangover

2:30 on a Sunday and I am not at the pool.
I have no clue at this point.  However, I have been staring at this computer screen for the last 4 hours.  Somehow the desire to get work done beat out the desire to work on my bronze glow.
Its unfortunate.

I don't know what it is about Sunday mornings, but I wake up basically hungover from life.  This morning was no exception, and as I lifted my head I cursed myself for not keeping a Tylenol dispenser in the nightstand.  Why has that not been invented yet?  When you wake up looking and feeling as though you lost a fight with yourself somewhere around 2am, the last thing you want to do is actually get up to solve the problem.
This makes total sense to me.
Eh, I eventually got up.
6:32am....sleeping in like the rebel I am...

Sunday's workout is all cardio, so you can imagine my excitement to hit the pavement running after not being able to keep my coffee down.
The entire 5 miles was somewhere between "I might throw up in this person's lawn" and "you're not dying, shut up."
Positive self-talk does not work for me during a workout.  I've always been like that for some reason.  Everyone is different, but I know the second I start that hand-holding crap I will fade.  The most common (appropriate) phrase I repeat to myself is "shut up, just one more."  I may have to do it for every rep/mile, but it works for me.  Gotta find your language and roll with it.
Needless to say I was glad to be done running and look forward to hitting the weights tomorrow.

Short and sweet today folks.
Running some errands for my talk in 2 weeks.  Hope you locals are going to make it!!  June have nothing else going on that morning,...I promise.
Have a wonderful Sunday afternoon and get your mind right for the week ahead...

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