Monday, May 13, 2013

Butt Pain and Botch Shaving Job

What a day.
In an attempt to get in bed last night at a decent hour, I found myself glued to the TV watching Kevin Hart on comedy central.  Once I was all wound up it was all down hill from there.  Thus, today I am paying for it.
I'm pretty sure my prime was from about 7:10-7:40......that's pretty much it.

On top of that, apparently my body got the turning-30-soon memo...
Today was perhaps the worst pain I've experienced in my glutes in a long time.  To give you the quick and dirty, I've dealt with tight glutes for awhile, so ever since our massage therapist basically gave me a very stern talking to, I've been religious about rolling and stretching.  Today was ridiculous though, and she thinks its my piriformis.  Something is pulling on my pelvis and making it nearly impossible to get in certain positions.
Brian is taking a look at it in the morning, and then I've got an emergency massage session in the afternoon.
Way too many people on my ass for a Tuesday...
My goal is to simply be able to lay on my back and lift my legs in the air without feeling like I'd rather be punched in the face.
Too much to ask?...
I'll  have an official update tomorrow.
Yes, its absolutely frustrating, and the thought of taking it easy to let it heal is extremely hard to consider.  BUT, I'm not an idiot and realize its my body's way of telling me to chill out.
Fittingly, it tells me through my rear...

In other updates,...Oscar.
So I mentioned last week that I was going to shave him...weeellll, it was a 45 minute attempt.  I broke out the clippers on his backside and quickly realized the amount of hair that feline has could clog a culvert, and there was no way I'd complete my work of art.  I got the main problem area and then said screw it.  He'll just have to look like a circus act for a few days until I can take him to the vet.  Ironically, he still strutted around here like a if knowing that no matter how ridiculous he looked at the moment, I would be the one scooping his turds the next day.
At some point the whole food-chain-thing gets thrown out the window when you're bagging feces.
And here ya go...

Well folks, I am spent. 
I'm nursing a horrible cold and need to hit the bed even earlier than normal tonight.  I plan to touch on some nutrition stuff tomorrow, so put down the fork and get your mind right....
Have a great night!

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