Saturday, February 16, 2013

Yo-Yo Weather and V-Day Recap...

This weather is the most bipolar mess I've ever seen.
Yesterday its nearly 70 degrees and everyone's on the verge of whipping out the toe-thongs, and today its literally snowing.
Tomorrow we'll get a hurricane to complete the chaos.

Its been a crazy work week, and topped off with a Valentines sushi-coma.
I love sushi, but I get carried away in the moment and the next thing I know I'm staring at the last rainbow roll like I'm some Spartan warrior fighting to the death.
...Because nothing says Happy Valentine's Day like feeling the need to unbutton your pants at the table for all the wrong reasons.
Had we truly eaten on pillows, I'd been screwed with the whole getting-up thing.

I hope everyone had a great Valentines.  Yes, its overrated but I still enjoy it.  Here's a thought, love them, TELL THEM ON A NON-HOLIDAY.  Novel idea.
I was spoiled by my sister-in-laws with flowers and Jan's version of "Happy-Valentines-Day-To-You"....not really a song, but hey it was creative and with Parkers everything is fair game.
Sparkles sent a few pieces of chocolate, a card, and a cartoon insert that made reference to a grandma's nipple piercing........this is normal.  Welcome to my sick world.
For all the times she says my humor is inappropriate, apparently Sparkles has a spunky side that resonates with it.  Don't let her fool you...

My week concluded with a few texts that honestly caught me by surprise.
All dealt with the whole body-image issue, and its such a delicate dance with that topic.  One text came from the Target dressing room,...another from a bathroom floor...
It truly tears my soul to pieces to hear women openly hate themselves/their body/etc....but at the same time, their actions and habits may contribute to the very reason they feel the way they do.
Its tricky.
I get it.
And I would be lying if I said I've never been there myself.  We all have "those days", but when it hits, it can hit hard.
I used to take a more hand-holding approach, and while I do think everyone deals with it differently and thus needs to be approached differently, I've come to realize that sometimes the same person that holds your hand, needs to kick your rear.  Because at the end of the day, its you and only you.  Not to say others will not be there, but learning to cultivate motivation in those moments and turn it into action is huge.
As I told one of the young women in tears, in those eye-opening, gut-level moments, you have 2 choices:
Continue to bask in a state of disbelief, pity, anger, and every other magnified emotion
Move.  Get up and choose to take necessary steps towards a healthier self.

For each person, those steps may look different, but its all for the sake of health and self-improvement.
One day at a time...

Well, its still snowing and I'm about to hit the coffee pot like a true addict.
Have a lovely weekend folks...

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