Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Bubble-guns and More Running

What possessed me to get up even earlier this morning is beyond me.
My attempts to sleep past 6:30am have pretty much ended in a fail, so I figure when the 'ol lids open I might as well crawl out of bed and head straight for the coffee maker.  Its like a moth to a flame.

My calves are killing me from all this running.  Ryan and I are headed to a local gym tomorrow morning so that will be a nice relief from these ridiculous 6 mile repeats.  I'm still waiting to experience this whole runners-high,...as of right now, there's been no high to my run.  The only entertaining thing has been the few morning smokers yelling at me from their balcony.  Just know that when you're sucking on Marlboros at 8am and then choose to waste your precious oxygen to yell at someone actually making a healthy decision, I will have little pity if you either choke on the cigarette or a lung gives out. 
There are moments my honesty appears more brutal once on paper...

Eating on vacation has been fairly standard.  I've splurged a little, but for the most part my habits stay the same.  I think the biggest difference has been hydration.  Baking in the sun all day leaves me feeling dizzy and sluggish by the afternoon.  The coffee consumption in the house is unbelievable.  We go through at least 24 cups before 9am. 
My addiction is in good company.

Highlight of yesterday was going to Broadway at the Beach and watching mom spend 10 bucks on a bubble-gun.  Personally, I was hoping she'd go for the 5ft light saber, but the bubble gun was a great second choice....less likely to end in injury.  My dad probably thought he was sleeping with the female version of Willie Wonka last night.
Bless his heart.

Time to get going.
I have a feeling this morning's run is not going to flow as easy as the past 2 days.  If you hear about some meat-head passed out in spandex on the beach, no worries,...just me...
Have a great Tuesday folks!


  1. I've missed you Meredith!!!!! I'm still alive, back in Durham, still trying to figure things out, but I'm still here. :) I'm so glad to see you're taking a VACATION!! Good for you, I hope you enjoy it (and relax a little too). I hope to be back in the gym next week, kids will all be back to school, and I'm truly ready to have you bust my butt. See you next week!!

  2. Hey lady! Glad to hear you are ready to get back into a routine, and I'm sure you're ready for the kids to head back to school!
    Yes, I am actually on vacation...CRAZY! I hope to be a little more sane upon my return, ha. I know, its asking a lot.
    Look forward to seeing you soon!!
